The Change in Season

There’s nothing like a change in season to spark a blog.

Those of you who know me, both personally and professionally, are aware of the almost childlike excitement that a change in seasons awakens in me.

Not long ago, autumn brought us its warm and diverse colours, brightening up the days that had grown shorter and, let’s face it, much darker. Yesterday, we were blessed with the first snow of the year in Zürich. While it may have caused mayhem in the public transport system, waking up this morning felt like living in a snow globe—simply magical.

Before I ramble on about the beautiful festive lights that have begun to surround us, I’d like to return to the spark that inspired me to write this blog.

The change in seasons serves as a powerful reminder: if the world around us can regularly change, so can—and should—we. Far too often, we become entrenched in our habits and the lives we’ve built for ourselves, sometimes forgetting to trust the process. Or do we cling to everything we’ve established out of fear of the unexpected?

The truth is, that we often outgrow our current situations and even the visions we once held for ourselves. But do we really want to limit our growth and development based on a version of ourselves with less experience, fewer insights, and limited knowledge of the current? Do we really want to use an outdated plan as our guideline?

What I hope to spark or inspire with this blog is a sense of curiosity and the courage to embrace development and change as constants.

As the seasons change, take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come and where you’d like to go. Whether you create a mind map, brainstorm, draw, or start journaling, check in with your current self. Who are you now? What is really important to you? What are your beliefs? What would you like to achieve in the future? What steps do you plan to take to get there? What can you let go of that no longer serves you? What would you like to make space for?

If you did a self-check last season, that’s wonderful. This is an opportunity to see how far you’ve come since then.

If you haven’t done so before, there’s no better time than now to start.

Looking for inspiration? Reach out.

Photo credit: Patrick Federi on Unsplash


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